Maggie Beer

Food club

How can I unsubscribe?

Easy! Simply log in using your current login details and follow the steps to cancel your membership.

What happens when I cancel my membership?

If you decide to cancel your membership you will no longer receive the newsletter, any special offers, or exclusive food club recipes. And please note we can't undo this! If you change your mind once you have cancelled your membership, you will have to join up all over again.

Why do I have to confirm my membership?

When you join the food club, we send you an email containing a link, which you'll need to click to confirm your membership.

This just makes sure that you have access to the email address you used to join.

If you've missed your confirmation email, or it didn't arrive, just visit the log in page, and follow the links to re-send your confirmation.


Looking for delicious recipe inspiration? Sign up to the Food Club and receive weekly seasonal recipes delivered to your inbox